The true cost of your people is actually far more than the salaries you pay them. When you factor in recruitment, onboarding, training, sick leave and an even longer myriad of costs that aren’t included on the balance sheet. The true amount can be quite eye watering
Kinetik is a platform designed to increase connection within an organisation.
Structured conversations increase trust, psychological safety and organisational focus all while encouraging individual purpose.
kinetik plugs into any organisation and enables its people to design the professional lives they want and maximising output.
Kinetik isn’t just first aid for an unwell organisation, it’s a complete lifestyle solution supporting your journey to a healthy, thriving workplace
kinetik has been developed by a multifunctional team of experienced developers, ICF credentialed coaches, human resources professionals, C Suite Executives and Regulation and Compliance experts.
We are on a mission to transform working lives and encourage employees to design the professional life they want whilst increasing their sense of belonging in businesses