By redefining the way they communicate and establish meaningful connections with their people, to enable fulfillment and growth.
Dashboard: Personal home screen with quick links to outstanding tasks and content articles.
MySpace: The My Space section is a dedicated employee section, allowing an employee to track and share their goals, supporting actions and meeting outcomes with their Leader.
My Team: The Team section provides a snapshot of the team or team(s) an employee is part of.
My Organisation: The My Organisation section is accessible to everyone in the whole organisation and can be customised based on Organisational requirements.
Content Hub: The Content Hub is a resource for all employees to access and consume to provide education and enable conversations.
Leader Hub: Leaders have their own dedicated section where they can view the goals, action and updates of all the people in their team.
Our free wellness assessment provides an overview of how you are tracking against critical success factors that determine the health of your Organisation, including psychological safety, leadership capability, connection and retention.
kinetik has been developed by a multifunctional team of experienced developers, ICF credentialed coaches, human resources professionals, C Suite Executives and Regulation and Compliance experts.
We are on a mission to transform working lives and encourage employees to design the professional life they want whilst increasing their sense of belonging in businesses